
New Pokémon Snap review

Our Verdict

New Pokémon Snap is a fun experience for diehard fans of the franchise, even though it can often experience monotonous.


  • Intuitive controls
  • Includes a broad variety of Pokémon
  • Stunning visuals


  • Very expensive
  • Brusk and repetitive gameplay
  • Lackluster story

Tom's Guide Verdict

New Pokémon Snap is a fun experience for diehard fans of the franchise, even though it can oft experience monotonous.


  • +

    Intuitive controls

  • +

    Includes a broad variety of Pokémon

  • +

    Stunning visuals


  • -

    Very expensive

  • -

    Short and repetitive gameplay

  • -

    Lackluster story

New Pokémon Snap is exactly what its title suggests. Pokémon fans know that Nintendo typically does a great job remaking its older games. We've already seen several recent examples of this with Pokémon: Let's Become Pikachu and Allow's Go Eevee, as well as Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.

Now, Nintendo has refreshed a 1999 Nintendo N64 archetype in the aptly named "New Pokémon Snap." Although the game is fun, its high price of $59.99 is difficult to justify, considering its short and somewhat monotonous gameplay.

In our New Pokémon Snap review below, we highlight that while we thoroughly enjoyed the ability to appoint with a wide variety of Pokémon, the game's magic wears off rather quickly due to repetitive level design. Nonetheless, some diehard fans of the franchise are jump to get a brusk burst of serotonin, despite the game'due south disappointing replay value.

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New Pokémon Snap review: Plot

New Pokémon Snap takes place in an entirely new region called Lental. After choosing an avatar for your graphic symbol and passing a brusk tutorial, you encounter Professor Mirror and his assistant Rita as part of an ecological survey. Your graphic symbol must explore the region's beaches, jungles, and deserts in an effort to photograph wild species of Pokémon in their natural habitats.

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Role of your assignment also involves researching the Lental region'south unique Illumina phenomenon. This allows you lot to throw orbs that illuminate Pokémon, giving them a stunning glow that'southward bound to brighten up your photographs.

(Image credit: Nintendo)

As you lot progress through Lental'south islands using the futuresque NEO-Ane safari exploration vehicle, yous'll encounter over 200 different species of Pokémon from previous games. These include fan favorites, such as Pikachu, Eevee and Charizard from Kanto, Pichu from Johto, Piplup and Bidoof from Sinnoh and Grookey from Galar. In that location are even a few legendaries involved, including Celebi, Mew, Ho-Oh and Lugia.

In terms of the game'due south story, that's pretty much it. You enter a new area, take pictures of Pokémon, replay until you tin accelerate through the map, then motion on. Information technology's not exactly ground-breaking.

New Pokémon Snap review: Gameplay

As you consummate each part of your journeying, your goal remains the aforementioned: Capture four images of every Pokémon for your portfolio. The Professor rates your photographs from one to four stars, depending on factors such as the discipline's Pose, Size, Direction, Placement, other Pokémon nowadays within the picture and Background.

(Prototype credit: Nintendo)

Each phase contains a number of secrets, which permit you to coax some of the rarer Pokémon out into the open up. To exercise this, you can scan your environment with your camera, play a soothing tune or — more than amusingly — throw apple-like Fluffruits. These either attract wild Pokémon, or smack them on the head to provoke some sort of reaction.

New Pokémon Snap review

(Paradigm credit: Nintendo)

Finding new ways of interacting with wild Pokémon is the game's main attraction. However, be ready to replay each level dozens of times to capture everything it has to offering. Doing so increases your "experience level," which unlocks minor changes to the map side by side time you ride through it. This process can be somewhat tedious, to say the least, especially if y'all miss your chance to photograph a certain Pokémon and have to restart.

New Pokémon Snap review: Controls

New Pokémon Snap has an accessible and intuitive set of controls.  The game utilizes the Nintendo Switch's multiple controller options, allowing you to aim using the Joy-Cons, every bit well equally the built-in gyro controls on Switch Lite, or the original console in handheld manner.

Controlling your camera is uncomplicated. However, throwing Fluffruits does take some getting used to. There's a fine line between throwing a treat in front of a Pokémon and accidentally hit it in the face up, startling it, and watching it run away before you can say "Sudowoodo".

New Pokémon Snap review: Visuals

New Pokémon Snap presents center-communicable scenery and level design. Each map portrays a natural Pokémon habitat beautifully, fulfilling the fantasy of actually going on a safari hazard filled with your favorite Pokémon.

(Image credit: Nintendo)

The game's various Pokémon species are all incredibly designed, also. Watching them interact with each other and their environments feels particularly rewarding. Still, the repetition of having to replay each map gets quondam very rapidly. After simply a few hours of gameplay, you lot'll find yourself craving something new.

New Pokémon Snap review: Verdict

New Pokémon Snap gives fans of the franchise a unique opportunity to come across beloved Pokémon in their natural habitats. Despite the challenge of luring out rare Pokémon, still, the gameplay loses its novelty fairly chop-chop. Yous'll likely notice yourself switching to a different game inside hours of starting.

Overall, it'south difficult to justify why New Pokémon Snap costs the same as some of Nintendo'due south flagship Pokémon games, which offer significantly richer and more diverse gameplay experiences. If you're looking for a fun Pokémon game to pick up and play for a few days, this one's for you. But don't look it to be anything more than than that.

Denise is a news writer at Tom's Guide roofing all things tech, gaming software/hardware, streaming, and more. She regularly produces short-course news articles as well as long-form content, including reviews, ownership guides, how-tos, and features. When she's not live-streaming horror games on Twitch, she can exist found exploring Eastward London while playing Pokemon Go. She's also a role-time pianoforte enthusiast and regularly experiments in the kitchen. You can reach her at


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